Kristen Fox Berki
Executive Director, Lorain County Children Services
Kristen Fox Berki is the Executive Director of Lorain County Children Services. Kristen has been at LCCS since 1997, where she has had the opportunity to serve Lorain County in various roles, including caseworker, supervisor, and manager, before being named Executive Director in 2019.
Kristen has participated in state-level initiatives over the years, including the Protective Services Rule Review Team, County Reviewer for the Child and Family Services Review, ProtectOHIO Consortium member, Kinship and Family Team Meeting Manual Groups, and Children’s Trust Fund. In addition, Kristen serves as the Chair for the Lorain County Children & Family First Council.
Kristen is proud of the strong partnerships Lorain County Children Services has with fellow child-serving agencies. Lorain County takes pride in its strong sense of collaboration and philosophy that Lorain County’s children are all our children.
Kristen obtained her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from John Carroll University and her Master of Science in Social Administration from Case Western Reserve University Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.