Research supports behaviors that lead to better worker, family outcomes

Workers and families value similar things in their work with one another, including honesty, collaboration, hope, confidence, and dignity.

That’s one finding from focus groups with children services caseworkers and families they serve included in PACT Behavioral Research Project: Early Insights from a Pilot Survey conducted by Kaye Implementation & Evaluation.

The research supports the theory behind Ohio’s new shared practice model, Practice in Action Together (PACT). Other key findings include:

    • It is possible for workers and family members to achieve positive working relationships in public child welfare.
    • PACT behaviors and outcomes are significantly associated with one another, which provides initial data to support the PACT model.
    • PACT behaviors are more strongly correlated with PACT outcomes among families than among caseworkers.
    • Over 80% of family members and workers believe that respecting, listening, and being vulnerable are some of the most important worker behaviors needed to achieve relational outcomes.

PCSAO’s Director of Strategic Initiatives Mike Kenney worked with the research team and is leading implementation. “As we launch PACT in eight counties, this research validates the PACT model framework that specific worker behaviors can improve shared outcomes such as increased honesty, dignity, and hope,” Kenney said. “The research helps confirm that PACT can promote healing and relationship building.”