Want the latest updates, data, trends and policy analysis on child and family services in Ohio?
PCSAO publishes several helpful resources to keep you apprised of changes in the field.
Working with member agencies, experts in the field and research grants, PCSAO publishes papers, guides and studies on a range of topics. Our annual PCSAO Factbook offers county-by-county as well as statewide trend data on all facets of child protection.
Subscribe to our Weekly Update for a quick rundown of news and events.

Research Papers and Policy Publications
- Elevating Health & Building Relationships: The journey of building a practice model for how we work with families (Winter 2025 Issue of Family Justice Journal, pp. 24-29)
- PACT Behavioral Research Project: Early Insights from a Pilot Survey (April 2024)
- Testimony and Recommendations Submitted to the Juvenile Justice Working Group (February 2024)
- Foster Care Crisis Forcing Hundreds of Kids To Sleep in Offices as Officials Seek Solutions (by Catherine Candisky, June 2023)
- Building a 21st Century Children Services Workforce (February 2022)
- Placement Crisis Affecting Children Services (February 2022)
- Tiered Foster Care: Caregiver Support, Training, Recruitment and Retention (October 2020)
- Tiered Treatment Foster Care Workgroup Report and Recommendations (February 2020)
- Foster Hope for Ohio’s Children: Policy Solutions for a System in Crisis (Gubernatorial White Paper, 2018)
- Children’s Continuum of Care Reform (2018)
- Quick Reference Guide: Immigration and Child Welfare (2018)
- Best Interests for Abused and Neglected Children: Working Toward Reunification During the Opioid Crisis (2017)
- Addressing the Needs of Ohio’s Multi-System Youth (2016)