Advocating for safe children, stable families, and supportive communities
37 West Broad Street, Suite 1100
Columbus, OH 43215 — 614-224-5802

Funding restoration critical for children services

Funding restoration critical for children services

A reduction in the key funding line item for child protective services in the most recent version of the state budget places the only state funding for county agencies in jeopardy.

In testimony today before the committee, PCSAO Executive Director Angela Sausser asked that funding in the new Department of Children and Youth, KID Line Item 830506, be restored at least to House-approved levels in order to protect the State Child Protection Allocation (SCPA) and other critical children services programs.

Sausser also urged reconsideration of two amendments, one expressing the General Assembly’s desire to prevent children from sleeping in county agencies when no placement can be identified by forming a state-led workgroup to recommend solutions by Oct. 30 of this year, another removing expungement language that would lead to those with substantiated child abuse or neglect cases being able to secure employment in agencies serving children after 10 years.

Read Sausser’s full testimony and watch on The Ohio Channel (first witness).