Advocating for safe children, stable families, and supportive communities
37 West Broad Street, Suite 1100
Columbus, OH 43215 — 614-224-5802

Districts & Committees

As an association of county children services agencies, PCSAO depends on the leadership, participation, and active engagement of its members to be successful. In addition to statewide meetings, work is organized geographically by district and topically by committee.


Member agencies are divided geographically into five districts:

PCSAO Districts

Directors from each district appoint members to PCSAO’s Board of Trustees. Metro agencies (starred) must also be represented on the board. Districts also meet four to six times a year in the district for learning and networking opportunities (see our calendar for meeting dates and locations), and to inform the decisions of the board. District meetings may draw a diverse group of attendees, including agency directors or administrators, PCSAO staff, representatives from the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program and Regional Training Centers, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Technical Assistance Specialists, and others.


A great deal of association work gets done through committees. Each committee is supported by a PCSAO staff member and helps channel information and decision-making guidance to the Board of Trustees. Committees are generally open to agency directors or staff and sometimes to other key stakeholders. In addition to standing committees established by PCSAO’s Bylaws, there are also ad hoc committees usually devoted to time-limited projects. Key PCSAO committees include:

In addition, PCSAO participates in: