Check out these resources for National Kinship Month

September is National Kinship Care Month. PCSAO is recognizing kinship caregivers at our annual conference Sept. 9-11.

Here are some helpful resources:

  • Gov. Mike DeWine issued a proclamation declaring September to be Grandparent/Kinship Month;
  • The Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator is a  free service for Ohio’s kinship and adoptive families, with OhioKAN Navigators available to talk 1:1 — call 1-844-OHIOKAN (1-844-644-6526) Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.;
  • The Ohio Grandparent/Kinship Coalition developed a flyer to help individuals campaign for changes for kinship families and updated its YouTube page showcasing the real stories of kinship caregivers;
  • The Ohio Family Care Association serves as the statewide voice for the thousands of adoptive, foster, kinship, and primary families caring for children impacted by Ohio’s child protection system, with a mission centered on connecting, empowering, and serving families through advocacy, education, and support;
  • It Takes 100% Heart provides informational resources for kin caregivers; and
  • The Child Welfare Information Gateway’s September issue of Children’s Bureau Express collects multiple resources for kinship caregivers and those who support them.